With the motto "Mukto chintar Swadhin Dainik (Free thought daily)" that embodies the spirit of the Liberation War, the Khaborer Kagoj officially began its journey a year ago today. However, on July 5, 2023, three months prior, it began to be published. Prior to the elections, we intended to provide the Khaborer Kagoj to the readers. However, we didn't have the time required for preparation.
After just three days of preparation, the Khaborer Kagoj is released in huge format. This is a rare event in the Bangladeshi newspaper industry. No other newspaper with such a quick preparation time has entered the market. Since I ventured to publish the newspaper so quickly, many people discouraged me at the time. Some claimed that it might be wrecked in such a hurry! The outcome, however, is the contrary. Sincere readers have shown us the greatest affection. The Khaborer Kagoj quickly became a member of their family with their affection. Every day, more people are reading this newspaper. It's becoming more credible and accepted as well.
How did the Khaborer Kagoj manage to capture the reader's attention in the midst of hundreds of newspapers? What's the reason? The publication would continue to operate with the utmost professionalism and integrity, as we stated in the beginning. Journalism will play a responsible role in achieving professional excellence against the trend of decadence and flattery. It will not do sycophancy for any political party or a group; it will not cover the truth with a lie and the lie with the truth for the fear of the bloody eyes of the powerful people. We will refer to white people as white and black people as black. The Khaborer Kagoj will represent the reliance of the underprivileged and neglected members of society. For a year, we have been attempting this.
The people of our country are extremely intolerable. And the country's political situation is far worse. The politics of rivalry and retaliation are the only reason the nation is currently on the verge of collapse. This poisonous political current has permeated every sphere of society. Tolerance is destroying our humanity. Demonization and cruelty are destroying our social values. How can the nation escape its precarious situation? Who will illuminate the state and society that are shrouded in darkness?
A healthy media can play a positive role in this regard. However, what would happen if the media was under constant pressure and fear? What has transpired over the last ten and a half years? There is a culture of fear. You must deal with a number of pressures if you criticize the government. This has led to the creation of sycophancy and flattery in the media. Professional politicians have also knocked out under the influence of hybrids. It has replaced politics with non-politics and toxic culture with healthy culture. People have become like animals as a result of unfairness, irregularity, corruption, unhealthy commercial competition, and a propensity to become wealthy rapidly.
A culture of fear has developed. If you criticize the government, you have to face various pressures. As a result of this, flattery and sycophancy have been created in the media. Professional politicians have also knocked out under the influence of hybrids. Non-politics instead of politics, bad culture instead of healthy culture have taken place in it. Injustice, irregularity, and corruption have crept into society; unhealthy competition in business and the tendency to become wealthy quickly have turned people into animals.
The anti-discrimination student movement fought against this impracticality. And it is supported by people from all walks of life who are victims of discrimination. They have spoken out against all forms of discrimination and came down the street. They are the ones who overthrew a hegemonic-fascist government in a very short span of time. They have taken control of the country. A lot of attention should be paid to ensure that no discrimination is done by them.
All sorts of intimidation should be avoided while dealing with the media. The government should offer the media every kind of assistance so that they may operate independently. Only then can the media become more professional. Democracy will thrive if the media is free to operate. Furthermore, democracy is great because it accepts criticism without interfering with an individual's right to privacy. The government must take the lead in fostering that mindset.
Our goal is to operate in a fearless atmosphere, and we want the government to work with us to create that atmosphere.
We are grateful to our dear readers for the courage they have shown in revealing our truth over the past year.
We extend our warmest regards and best wishes to all newspapermen, hawkers, agents, and advertisers.