BNP followers start gathering at Nayapaltan ahead of Saturday’s rally

Published at : 27 October 2023, 06:26 pm
BNP followers start gathering at Nayapaltan ahead of Saturday’s rally
Photo: Collected

Though the party is yet to get permission for its Saturday’s grand rally in the capital, the leaders and activists of BNP and its associate bodies started gathering in front of the party's Nayapaltan central office on Friday afternoon.

Many BNP leaders and activists who reached Dhaka from different parts of the country joined Jummah prayers in mosques around Nayapaltan. Even, many of them offered prayers on the streets at Nayapaltan.  

After the Jummah prayers, they squatted on the street in front of the party office amid the presence of a huge number of law enforcers.

The opposition followers were seen chanting various anti-government slogans in front of the BNP office.  

 Talking to UNB, the BNP followers said they came to the rally venue in advance fearing obstruction on Saturday.

They said they want to hold the rally peacefully with the presence of thousands of people in a bid to send out a message to the government to step down and take steps for holding the next polls under the non-partisan administration.

The grand rally of BNP is scheduled to begin at 2pm on Saturday.

Earlier on October 18, the party announced the grand rally in the capital for October 28 to start the 'final phase' of action and programmes of the ongoing movement to topple the current regime, thus paving the way for holding the next election under a non-party neutral government.

On October 21, the party submitted a letter to the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) office informing the police authorities that they want to hold the programme at Nayapaltan.

The party also informed Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) on Thursday that it is determined to hold the grand rally at Nayapaltan venue.

Later on Wednesday (Oct 26), DMP sent a letter to BNP seeking various information, including the two names of alternative venues to Nayapaltan, the expected number of people at the rally, its duration, where loud speaks would be installed and whether anyone from other parties would be present or not.

In response, BNP also sent a letter saying it is not possible for the party to arrange the rally at any other venue as they have already completed all preparations to hold it at Nayapaltan.

The party also said 100,000 to 125,000 people may participate in the rally and no leaders and activists from other parties will be there too, at Nayapaltan during the programme.

BNP also informed the DMP that the rally will formally begin at 2pm while the party’s 500 volunteers will be deployed to maintain internal discipline.

Meanwhile, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir at a press conference on Thursday reaffirmed that their grand rally will be held peacefully.

He urged people from all walks of life to participate in the rally to mount pressure on the government to accept the opposition’s one-point demand that includes the resignation of the current regime and holding the next election under a neutral government.

The BNP leader also warned the government will be held responsible if it or the ruling party makes any excesses and creates any obstacles to the rally.       

Fakhrul also said they still did not get permission from the DMP to hold the rally. “We still hope that they (DMP) will not create any obstacles in this regard. They will help to remove all kinds of obstacles for the grand rally.”