BNP spreads misleading info over Bangladesh-India MoU: Hasan

Published at : 04 July 2024, 08:57 pm
BNP spreads misleading info over Bangladesh-India MoU: Hasan
Photo: Collected

Foreign Minister and Awami League Joint General Secretary Dr Hasan Mahmud on Thursday said BNP is spreading misleading information over Bangladesh-India Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on connectivity as they are unable to understand the issue of regional connectivity.

Dr Hasan made this remark while addressing a discussion titled ‘Sheikh Hasina’s balanced foreign policy and Bangladesh’s internal development’ organized by the Weekly Gana Bangla and Swadhinata Parishad at Jatiya Press Club (JPC) here.

He said the operation of trains between Bangladesh and Bhutan via India will benefit our people but they (BNP) are now doing politics of spreading misleading information against the government (over it).

Noting that Bangladesh has signed several MoUs with India to enhance the connectivity, he said connectivity will also be established with Nepal. 

“We are working to expand the regional connectivity to other countries in the South Asia,” the foreign minister said.

Criticizing BNP leaders’ misleading remarks over Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s recent visit to India, Hasan said their statements have failed to draw public attention. 

Failing to wage movements with its own capacity, he said, BNP has turned into a parasite party by depending on others’ movements on different issues, including universal pension scheme and quota system in government jobs. 

About Bangladesh foreign policy, Hasan said Bangabandhu’s worthy daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is running the country following Father of the Nation Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s foreign policy of ‘Friendship to all, malice to none’.

“We have good relations with Russia, China and India while India is our trusted friend. India's cooperation during our Liberation War in 1971 will remain written in golden letters in the history,” he said.

Highlighting the country’s development and progress, the foreign minister said many countries are now investing in Bangladesh witnessing the country’s unprecedented development.