Sheikh Hasina was able to corner almost all opposition parties and opinions in addition to being in power for fifteen and a half years. She managed to handle the situation by holding three consecutive questionable elections. As a result, an idea or 'myth' was established in the public mind that Sheikh Hasina or the Awami League cannot be removed from power. The people of the country almost started disbelieving that the people are the controlling force to stay in power. Along with the people, such an idea or belief started to grow among a section of the BNP, which has been facing agitations and lawsuits for an age. Because after participating in the elections once and boycotting the elections twice, the party did not get the desired results, and there was some disappointment in the party.
Former University of Southern Mississippi research associate Christopher J. Flood, in his book 'Political Myth: A Theoretical Introduction,' defines political myth as a concept that is used to explain and structure political life and social reality. According to him, a political myth is a set of stories, symbols, or beliefs that establish a particular ideology or narrative within a group or society, and based on that narrative, political behavior and policies are influenced.
There is a discussion in the politics of Bangladesh that all three elections held under the Awami League government after the abolition of the caretaker government were conducted with different strategies. In such a situation, the people of the country did not believe that a fair election would ever be held in the country. As a result, some have commented that 'BNP is over; there is little chance of the party coming to power.' On the other hand, the execution and deregistration of several top leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami almost threatened its existence. Several rounds of demolitions, taking benefits from the government, lawsuits, and arrests; after all, Hefazat Islami was also weakened due to government machinations. But on August 5, all the 'ideas' were shattered in the uprising of the students. The fall of the powerful Sheikh Hasina government. He fled and took refuge in India.
In fact, even though the Awami League was in power, in fifteen and a half years, the political and power circle of the country was formed around Sheikh Hasina. The belief or myth that he is unstoppable is created because he apparently has no strong rivals and can consistently handle the situation.
Christopher J. Flood points out in his same book that political myths are formed around leadership. He said, “Political myths are often built around a figure who is presented to the public as possessing extraordinary and superhuman qualities. This personality often creates a 'cult of personality'."
The current politics of Bangladesh after the fall of Sheikh Hasina was not even in anyone's imagination. But that happened in 2024. Analysts say, even in 50 years of independence, the politics of the country have never been so reversed.
This year, the powerful Awami League, which had been in power for 15 and a half years, was not only thrown out of power in the student uprising; the politics of the party is also in trouble. On the other hand, BNP's politics have been turned around by the incident of that one day, even though it has been in a very cornered state for a long time. According to many, BNP is now the biggest factor in the country's politics, even though it has not come to power yet.
Similarly, Jamaat-e-Islami and BNP's political allies have also benefited from the August 5 coup incident. Because the parties are now doing politics in comfort, preparing for elections. On the other hand, the leaders of the Awami League and its allied parties are either in jail or in hiding. The party's participation in the elections has also become uncertain.
Observers say, 'Awami League or Sheikh Hasina will never fall.' Because of this political 'belief or idea,' many Daksite leaders and influential supporters of the party could not flee the country earlier. Most of them believed that no one can overthrow Sheikh Hasina. In the end he can handle the situation. The reason for creating such an idea is that several times from 2014 to 2024, the movement to overthrow the government was violent and violent, but in the end, the government was able to handle it. The government survives.
Finally, on July 22, when the movement was at its peak, after the statement that "Sheikh Hasina did not run away; Sheikh Hasina does not run away," relief returned to the Awami League, which was worried. There was a discussion among the people that the government was handling the situation. But the situation went beyond the government's control on the morning of August 5 as political parties as well as common people joined the anti-discrimination student movement. After Sheikh Hasina ran away, people occupied Ganabhaban.
After that day, some of the Awami League fled in different ways. Many others have been arrested and are now in prison. Analysts say corruption spread to the grassroots of the country from the entrenched idea that 'Awami League will remain in power.' There is unlimited partisanship at almost all levels of the state, including the police and administration. Instead of trust in the people and politics of votes, the discussion about who the US, China, and India are for has become bigger. The situation had reached such a level that the Awami League leaders no longer felt any urge to approach the people to win the parliamentary elections. Their attitude was, no matter the situation, 'Sheikh Hasina will find a way to stay in power.'
And indeed she found a way. The discussion in the politics of Bangladesh is that Sheikh Hasina has brought the party to power through questionable elections three times in a row. Similarly, she has been able to suppress the opposition party and opinions. As a result, Awami League leaders and workers got a chance to be reckless. Even the issue of contesting local government elections was not on their mind anymore. Because the idea that "Sheikh Hasina will stay" was established, the police and administration officials did not take any risk to remain neutral. They directly and indirectly worked for the Awami League. The Election Commission also did not risk going beyond this clause. In this way, after the parliamentary elections, the leaders and workers of the party did not have to worry about the local government elections at all levels. The government, administration, and Awami League became the center of all power. This is how they won the uncontested election unilaterally. The Awamiis how the reputation of the 'authoritarian' government has been established in the public mind. League's single authority has been established from the center to the grassroots of the country. This is how the reputation of the 'authoritarian' government has been established in the public mind.
In the report of Sweden-based research organization IDEA (The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), this is why the name of Bangladesh has appeared in the list of authoritarian countries. The report entitled 'The Global State of Democracy' highlights the global democracy situation in 2022.
According to Christopher J. Flood, political myths are important in society. Because it influences people's behavior, establishes political systems, and sometimes even inspires political change.
The change of government in Bangladesh was so sudden that Sheikh Hasina did not realize that she had to leave the country even a few hours ago. As a result, the leaders and workers of the Awami League had to go into hiding immediately, and the politics of the party suddenly fell into disaster.