Court orders magistrate appointment to look after Benazir's flats

Published at : 30 June 2024, 07:28 pm
Court orders magistrate appointment to look after Benazir's flats
Photo: Collected

A Dhaka court has ordered to appoint a first-class magistrate to look after four confiscated flats of former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed, his wife Jissan Mirza, and their three daughters in the capital's Gulshan area.

Dhaka Metropolitan Senior Special Judge Mohammad Ash-Shams Joglul Hossain passed the order on Sunday, allowing a plea from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

The court on June 6 ordered to appoint an official receiver to look after the properties of the Benazir family.

This receiver's main duty would be maintaining the attached properties, and informing the court at regular intervals about the income and expense of the properties.

ACC Director Md Manjur Morshed was appointed as an official receiver to maintain the four flats on Gulshan RANCON Icon Tower.

He recently went to inspect the apartments and found those locked. The ACC after that filed a plea to appoint a magistrate to unlock the apartments for its official to enter, make an inventory of the furniture and other materials inside, and fix a rent after measurement.

ACC Public Prosecutor Mahmud Hossain Jahangir moved the plea before the court on Sunday.