Secrets of Teen Happiness

Published at : 14 January 2024, 07:35 pm
Secrets of Teen Happiness
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The most challenging ever for any family is grooming teen in happiness. The new hormone, desire for independence and other circumstantial belonging lean teenagers to be undaunted. Changes of limbic system drive teens to be risk-taking, challenging and full of emotional excitement. They emerge from the intact circle of parents and culture, want to throw off all imposed rules of childhood. Parents need communicating teen effectively. Many struggles to get teen understand and unprepared grooming bring all in ruin.   
Teen age is precious and needs to be meaningful. It has a long term effect on the vitality of life. Being a parent, it is not easy to find out what makes teen happy. And keeping them in a blissful environment is an investment for posterior. While children need their parents to be in the lead, teenagers need to be side by side. Teenagers need protective attention instead of helpful care. Here are nine secrets of teen happiness.
1.  Keep talking

As children begin to be teenaged, they merge what they know about society with their psychological selves. So keep talks with the teen about all kinds of things, not just school or behavior. Sometimes ask their advice. It will help them to think that they are also eligible for solving problems. In addition to this, it will open-up their critical faculties. But be careful, do not become a friend until they become an adult. During teenage tenure, keep a boundary and provide unconditional love and guide. Just assure them, what can I do for you. Talks ease many problems and keep teens in happiness.
2.  Stay Together

Spending time with the teen along with other family members is very important. It has been found that teens pass time with family is more social and responsible than those who do not. It teaches the teenagers how to tackle controversial subjects without getting grumpy. 
Teen trends lead to be outing always apart from regular studies. They might want to spend time with the friends in New Year or Christmass occasions. It is important that if they are not missing any gala ceremony arranged by own family. The biggest tip, for teenagers and parents to be happy together, is to have shared celebrated momentum with family members. 
3. Have a Hug

From the bottom of hurt, a simple hug can accelerate the love and affection between teen and parent a lot. Few seconds in a  day spread the emotional contagion of happiness. When teenagers come home from school, do not grab them first. Let them get rest, then hug.  Getting older of a child does not mean distance from parents. Rather it urges more unification, more understanding by bridging cuddle. It is advised to embrace the teen early in the morning when first meeting. The other expression of hug is a deep commitment for one another. Parental touch is an expression of safety through love. Lack of this affection pushes teens questing for happiness in wrong places. Some simple parley from parents, like ‘How was your day’ or ‘How are you doing’ intensify the relations into happiness.
4.  Learning is a pleasure

Teen-time prepare students to be ready for bracing graduate level education.  Apart from academic gone-through, learning other curricula, especially the new invention of contemporary technology, is important for teenagers. It is important to let them get penetrate in the brain that learning is a pleasure of happiness. Continuous support for learning will help them to be studied. Parents should praise the teens for effort, rather than talent. The effort is the stairs of success. Happiness wielded by success.     
5. Stop Brawling

Parents should not get involved in brawling on marital disputes before the teenagers. It seriously impedes family peace and instigates inquietude, which has a prolonged negative impact on the soft mind of adolescents. Parents should restrain from brawling in honor of the happiness of their teens. Teen-mind wants to see the reflection of happiness on the face of their parents.
6. Dashing Desire

Teen brain craves for risk taking desire. Most of the times we associate these with drinking, drugs, smoking, and sexual experimentation. Apart from this, risk taking does also mean politics, sailing, mountaineering, community servicing and many other positive activities. This endeavor uncouples teenagers from comfort position and they enjoy feeling happiness by having an adventure. It tries to portrait the character of fairy tales hero into real life. It develops courage, curiosity, confidence, and diligence.  So parents need to reshape the idea that teen risk-taking is always not negative. Adventure pushes teenagers towards psychological complacency.
7.  Balanced Lifestyle

Real happiness belongs to well-being lifestyle. Parents need to urge the teenagers to be accustomed to good sleep, physical exercise and healthy food choice. Help adolescents to keep a healthy balance between study and work. Learning time management is very much essential for the teenagers. Let them get reach when and how the family-chores accompanied by study, work, exercise, social relationships, contacts, and outing are to be managed.
8. Reading of emotions

In spite of having strong desire to be independent, as it is a transition period to adulthood, teenagers often struggle to be dependent on their parents. Unable to read emotions of teenagers may increase misunderstanding with the parents, which has been shown negative consequences for the relations. Primarily it is parents duty to let teenagers learn to manage emotions in the ways that work well. It is an adult in-training period. Managing emotions and share it with the person concern is important. Stack up emotions prevent teens from enjoying happiness.
9.  Synthesis of Fantasy

Teenagers life is full of fantasy. The flow of hormone and being-built adulthood exhort fantasy, which may drive them towards the misleading destination. Most of the teenagers have little or no experience of the world. Fantasy driven immature romanticized mind always portrait to be a character of the protagonist. But the true scenario of crude life may shatter the happiness. Let the teenagers know the difference between synthesis of fantasy and the real position of practical life. The best way to understand them is the meticulous observation of their activities and always keep in touch.

Author: Student, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.