BNP is disappointed with the role of the US

Published at : 11 January 2024, 11:00 am
BNP is disappointed with the role of the US

Despite the success of the boycott movement, the BNP is somewhat disappointed with the role of the United States before the elections. The party feels that whatever action the United States takes regarding Bangladesh, it would have been easier to take the movement to its logical conclusion if it had been taken before the elections. But after the elections, any action taken in the future would be too late to produce effective results.

However, BNP is not willing to comment directly about the US. The leaders of the party feel that whatever they do in the coming days will also have to be done keeping an eye on the position of the United States and the Western world.

Abdul Moin Khan, one of the members of the BNP standing committee, thinks that the idea is not correct that the United States or Western democratic countries take action considering the advantages and disadvantages of a particular party or government. They must consider strategic aspects of global and geopolitical affairs.

"Actually, our psychological structure in Bangladesh is completely different from the nature and mentality of the West. Moreover, their working method is different from ours. E.g., policies are not made on the basis of one's word in their countries. There is room for dissent, ensuring accountability in decision-making. So it is not reasonable for anyone to be disappointed in the current situation," he said.

"But it is true that when an undemocratic power in a country rules the people and they are oppressed by the ruling class, they want someone to rescue them. This is the reason for the discussions and rumors about the steps taken by the United States," Dr. Moin Khan added.

A day after the election, the United States and the United Kingdom issued statements that the election was not fair and democratic. But the parties involved in the boycott movement, including the BNP, feel that even if this post-election statement has some value, it will not have any major impact after the formation of the government, nor will it be able to pressure the government. Many countries, including Russia and China, which are on the opposite side of the United States in geopolitical and global politics, have already recognized the election. Even India, the most important country for Bangladesh, congratulated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina after the recently concluded elections. In such a situation, there is a kind of doubt about how far the Western world, including the United States, can go in the end. They say in an informal discussion among themselves that it would have been better if the United States had taken action earlier. Others say that the United States did not understand the psychology of the politicians of a third-world country like Bangladesh.

Barrister Mir Helal, a member of the BNP's Foreign Affairs Committee, told the Khaborer Kagoj that it is the United States' internal matter to take action or not to take action against our country. They will take it in time. But BNP has been completely successful in the vote boycott movement. "The big proof of the government's discomfort with the so-called elections is that they are in a hurry with the elections, the gazette publication of MPs, and the formation of the cabinet," he continued.

According to reliable sources, BNP took the strategy of coordinating the movement program while keeping an eye on the possible actions of the western world, including the United States. The party felt that such a strategy would quickly put pressure on the government and force the government to take initiative in participatory elections. But no action or sanctions came from the US before the election. As voter turnout was low in the election, there was no major violence. MPs took oaths as usual after the election. The cabinet is also scheduled to be formed today. The public is curious about what political strategy BNP adopts in the future in such a situation. Leaders and workers are also waiting for guidance. The party has started a series of meetings with like-minded and allied parties and parties involved in the boycott to review the post-election situation. However, the leaders of the party as well as the leaders of the agitating parties feel that the boycott policy of the BNP has been successful as the voter turnout in the elections is very low.

Oli Ahmed, President of the LDP, thinks that the people did not go to the polling station, so the movement was 100% successful. In response to a question, he said that it is not possible to say whether it would have been right if the United States had taken action before the elections. Because then other countries or governments would say everything was going in the right direction; it was not done for US obstruction. But now, taking action will be more effective. Because they have failed to conduct fair, neutral, and acceptable elections.

The coordinator of the 12-party alliance, Mustafa Jamal Haider, told the Khaborer Kagoj that neither the BNP nor the parties in the movement are disappointed. According to him, the United States takes into account the global political context when adopting its policies.

Shahadat Hossain Selim, the spokesperson of the 12-party alliance and the secretary general of the Bangladesh LDP, told the Khaborer Kagoj that there was no discussion on the action of the US-European Union in the meeting with the BNP. However, there is some frustration among the leaders and workers because they did not take action before or after the elections. Hopefully, they will play a role in establishing democracy in Bangladesh.

"We will continue the movement with the new program involving people in the coming days. A new program will be given after discussion with everyone at the same time," he said. Several leaders of the party told the Khaborer Kagoj that the BNP is becoming somewhat optimistic about the position of the parties regarding the elections.

The European Union expressed disappointment on Wednesday that all parties did not participate in the elections. Australia said that the environment in which the election was conducted was regrettable. Canada has been disappointed by the lack of basic principles of democracy and freedom in elections, the country said yesterday.

On Wednesday, the European Union expressed dissatisfaction at the absence of participation from all parties in the elections. Australia declared that the election was held in an unfavorable atmosphere. Canada expressed its disappointment yesterday over the absence of fundamental basic principles of democracy and freedom in elections.

BNP held its first meeting with the 12-party alliance, LDP, and nationalist-like-minded parties on January 9 to review the post-election situation. Five members of the BNP's standing committee were present in the virtual meeting held under the chairmanship of the party's acting chairman, Tareq Rahman. BNP reviewed the post-election situation in a meeting with several of its allies yesterday.