28 BNP men including Anney-Khokon indicted in sabotage case

Published at : 27 November 2023, 07:05 pm
28 BNP men including Anney-Khokon indicted in sabotage case
BNP publicity affairs secretary Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annie and joint secretary general Khairul Kabir Khokon. Collected

A court here today framed charges in a case lodged against 28 leaders and activists of BNP including its publicity affairs secretary Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Annie and joint secretary general Khairul Kabir Khokon, with capital's Paltan Police Station.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md Ali Haider passed the order today in presence of the accused including Annie and Khokon.

The court also fixed December 6 for start recording the deposition of the witnesses.

Police filed the case in February, 2018, for carrying out subversive activities including holding illegal rally and obstructing police to conduct their duties. Charge-sheet was filed against 28 after conducting the probe.