Families of jailed BNP leaders, activists submit memorandum to Chief Justice

Published at : 28 November 2023, 10:17 pm
Families of jailed BNP leaders, activists submit memorandum to Chief Justice
Photo: Collected

The relatives of the recently sentenced and arrested leaders and activists of BNP and its associate bodies on Tuesday submitted a a memorandum to the Chief Justice for their release.

Afroza Abbas, wife of jailed Mirza Abbas, a member of the BNP Standing Committee, submitted the memorandum through lawyers, on behalf of the relatives of the imprisoned opposition leaders.

In the two-page memorandum, it was mentioned that amid an unbearable situation in the current political reality of Bangladesh, the family members of the jailed opposition political leaders and activists were forced to approach the Chief Justice , the last resort of justice for the justice seekers.

"We believe, as the guardian of the judiciary, you (Chief Justice) will play a leading role in protecting the country's judiciary, establishing an independent judiciary and establishing justice,” the relatives said in the memorandum.

They also expected that the Chief Justice will play a proactive role in preventing the crackdown and repression on the opposition leaders and activists, their mass arrests in false, fictitious and harassmental cases by law enforcers, torture during police remand, wholesale sentence by the courts and refusal of bail.

“We request you to take necessary steps and give necessary instructions to the courts for the immediate release of the BNP and other opposition political prisoners,” the relatives said.

Earlier, the family members of the jailed BNP leaders and activists formed a human chain in front of the National Press Club around 10:30am, demanding the release of the opposition leaders from jail.